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The Rochester Elevator is a focal point in the city of Rochester and a vital part of local history. To ensure the preservation of the elevator, the Rochester-Avon Historical Society will lead a community effort to "shine the elevator" -- paint the building -- on Saturday, June 6. (Rain date is June 13.)

We expect to use professional painters for the surface prep work, priming and painting over 10 feet above the ground, including the checkerboard sign at the elevator’s north end. Historical society members and others from our community will paint the elevator's lower portion.

The event also will include a barbecue. It will be held in conjunction with the dedication of the Rochester River Walk signage, also scheduled for June 6.

The elevator's current site at University Avenue and Water Street has been proposed for a city park known as Elevator Commons. The elevator structure needs to be maintained until the Rochester Elevator owner can find a buyer and the building can be rehabilitated and adaptively reused.

Whether the historic grain elevator is moved to a new location or restored it at its current location, it must be preserved for our community. Please join us in this important effort.

Elevator video
Community Media Network news story highlights June 2009 elevator painting event.

'Shine' announced
Article in Rochester Post invites community to event where they can help paint the elevator.

Move plans on hold
RAHS, the elevator owner and City Council explore new options for the elevator.

'Elevator Square'
Council member proposes a plan for the elevator as part of a "town square."

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