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1 in 1000
Donations will help move the elevator
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A thousand people are needed to help move the Rochester Elevator.

Those people won’t be lifting the elevator and carrying it down Water Street. Instead, they’ll be helping to move the elevator through vital monetary donations.

All donations to date have been greatly appreciated, but there’s still a long way to go. To help reach the donation goal, the historical society has launched the "1 in 1000" campaign, chaired by Ginger Ketelsen of Rochester and Mary Howarth of Rochester Hills.

If 1000 people each give $100, this would cover the amount of the original move estimate of $100,000. All donations of any amount are welcomed, and of course, all are tax-deductible.

To make a monetary donation, please print and complete our online donation form and return it by mail with your check. Thanks for your support!

The Rochester-Avon Historical Society will move the elevator to its new location between the Clinton River and the Clinton River Trail, next to the Main Street bridge, this fall. Please help us in this important effort.

Elevator video
Community Media Network news story highlights June 2009 elevator painting event.

'Shine' announced
Article in Rochester Post invites community to event where they can help paint the elevator.

Move plans on hold
RAHS, the elevator owner and City Council explore new options for the elevator.

'Elevator Square'
Council member proposes a plan for the elevator as part of a "town square."

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